Toyota Auto Peer

Middle-man management service, initiated in order to generate incremental new car & used car sales




Astra International

Project Type

Product / UI design / UX collaboration


UI Designer

Project Overview

Enabling collaboration between Auto2000 and middle-men through a mobile application and dashboards

Auto-Peer’s primary audiences are basically they who have the willingness to join the selling process by referring Toyota prospective customers to Auto2000 salesman


Combine 3 project touch points, feedback and design iterations, and bug tracking) into one, easy-to-use product.

My Role/Responsibilities

UI Designer
Design system management

Research & Planning

Designing access for middle-men to collaborate with salesman into Auto2000 sales

Toyota share their prospective customers data to Auto2000 salesman (middle-men role) that are categorized into three stages:

1.  Internal employee
2. Customers
3. Public (non-employee & non-customer)

So far until now, the collaboration between middleman and salesman is an under-table transaction. However in the next phase this kind of transaction will be handled by Auto2000


Establishing a fresh, dynamic and scalable design system

With a clear scope of the competitive landscape, I developed a design system that was visually calming and easy to use though the following practices:

Design System Ethos


Minimal, purposeful use of color


Typographic hierarchy and contrast make important information stand out


Similar component layouts that repeat throughout the dashboards

Colors & Typography

Helvetica-like qualities and it's legibility at small scales.

What's Next

Launching soon!

Auto Peer is set to launch in early 2019. After launching with an MVP, the team plans to begin user testing to further iterate on the product's design, features, and functionality.

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